About the Inn...

Innkeeper owned and operated since 1935...
First, it was a dairy farm, built in 1810 by the Swallow family, and appropriately named, "Swallow Farm." In 1935, Madelon Tengbergen purchased the then abandoned farmhouse and eventually created one of south-central Vermont's first après ski lodges.* Because of its close proximity to Bromley Mountain and easy train access from Manhattan to Manchester, "Tengbergen Lodge" quickly became a hot spot for major Ivy Leaguers and A-Listers, including members of the Kennedy Clan, former NYC Mayor John Lindsey and his wife, Mary, and a Rudyard Kipling great nephew, names forever etched in the impressive guest book Madelon's granddaughter gave us as a gift during a sentimental family reunion a few years back.​

In 1959, the Snyder family bought and began to expand the property and reach of "The J-Bar Lodge," now known as "The Landgrove Inn." As its current custodians, we have tried to honor the well-established traditions of our predecessors, while leaving a modest footprint of our own.​

